"blog/index.html" 2018/09/17/SegundoDia/

Second Day of #100DaysOfOcde

¿Qué que estuve haciendo esas horitas?

Fernando Pastorelli

Fernando Pastorelli

a.k.a. Phosphorus

Full Stack Developer

Passionate about technology
Programmer + Gamer

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Fernando Pastorelli

Hello everyone, I'm Fernando Pastorelli! Dog saying Hi!

Student in Computer Science degree at Universidad Nacional del Oeste
Developer Consultant at Globant

Strong passion for technology, development and learning

Gamer and regular reader of philosophy and history

🐧Linux Enthusiast


GNUno Talks


Website oriented to allow students to share material of the university subjects.

GNUno Talks

Rust Argentina

Website of the community of Rust in Argentina.

GNUno Talks


Website of the Veloren, a videogame of the community.

GNUno Talks


A platform to management of clients.

GNUno Talks

GNUno Talks

A website to management futures talks of this community.

ForoUNO v2

A website to management futures talks of this community.

My stack to develop

GNUno Talks

More about me

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Spanish - English

I've learned various languages and frameworks and built more to-do lists then I can count.
In my adolescent years I learned how to code in PHP, HTML, CSS, and Javascript, but it was like a hobby. Since then I've been learning more and more.
About six years ago is when I started the university and assist a lot of meetings. It was a great experience and the moment I decided that it will be my proffesion. I met many people with the same passion and to me it was a great feeling.
I have always been a curious individual, which is why I’d love to collaborate and do some real-world projects in order to flourish my skills.
I'm not perfect, however. I'm very far from perfection, yet I'm resilient, assertive and stubborn.
I am focused professional having excellent technical and communication skills, and offering 4 years of experience in Computer industry.
Proficient at programming, writing code in various languages, feature development and implementation.
Specialized in thinking outside the box to find unique solutions to difficult engineering problems.
Very passionate about everything related to computer science, I love learning new technologies.